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Memorial Day at the Anthem Veterans Memorial

A red rose on a brick wall with inscribed names, suggesting a memorial or tribute to military personnel.

When: Monday, May XXXXXXX 10am – 11:30am

Where: ACC Community Park, 41703 N Gavilan Peak Pkwy, Anthem, AZ 85086

Description: This is a new event for DMFD CERT. This somber ceremony is to honor veterans who lost their lives while serving our nation. As such, our sole mission is to provide first aid. Arrive by 9:00 am to assist with setup and plan to stay for an hour after the event for tear down. Wear your CERT uniform. Bring lunch and snacks because you'll be unable to leave to purchase them.

Register for the event: Copy and paste this link into your browser:

Contact: Please contact Paul Schickel at 623-695-1424 or 

More info at: